p16Ink4a-induced senescence of pancreatic beta cells enhances insulin secretion | Diabetes Research Center

p16Ink4a-induced senescence of pancreatic beta cells enhances insulin secretion


Aharon Helman, Klochendler, Agnes , Azazmeh, Narmen , Gabai, Yael , Horwitz, Elad , Anzi, Shira , Swisa, Avital , Condiotti, Reba , Granit, Roy Z, Nevo, Yuval , Fixler, Yaakov , Shreibman, Dorin , Zamir, Amit , Tornovsky-Babeay, Sharona , Dai, Chunhua , Glaser, Benjamin , Powers, Alvin C, Shapiro, James AM, Magnuson, Mark A, Dor, Yuval , and Ben-Porath, Ittai . 2016. “ P16Ink4A-Induced Senescence Of Pancreatic Beta Cells Enhances Insulin Secretion ”. Nature Medicine.